Learning Outcome

  1. Demonstrate critical, evaluative and making skills using a number of specialist media and process
  2. Reflect critical upon one's own practice and utilize self-editing skills within the design process
  3. Work with external agencies and other interested bodies to creative outcomes
Thinking Skills
  1. Apply research using theorists, designers, culture historians; use and apply these references where relevant and appropriate to the assignment or module outcomes
  2. Demonstrate the use of methodologies and project management skills within the design process
Subject-based practical skills
  1. Design Process; demonstrate the capacity to work with a number of process especially typography and all related or associated disciplines of information layout and sequential practice/pagination
  2. Work on screen and paper-based formats which have synergy and visual coherence.
Skills for life and work (general skills)
  1. Communicate successfully, strategic and critical abilities to peer group and other, including clients and project leaders
  2. To participate or collaborate effectiveness with other
  3. Construct and implement a realistic timetable of research leading to a creative set of outcomes

Idea Generation

The Idea of the Project comes from the survey of children that are no longer playing in the playgrounds and also jigsaw puzzle which the researcher is trying to bring back the tradition. 

The researcher is targeting on the children's interactive mind and also attracts them with lots of colors and fun. Therefore it is decided that the researcher will use a jigsaw puzzle as a medium to attract and make them aware of the campaign. 

The sketch of my jigsaw puzzle. 

The reason I use a playground is to tell the children other than their smartphone and tablet, they can also go out to the playground and play. The above image can be found in my animation too. 

The process of making the puzzle. 

The set up of my booth at the exhibition. 

Children enjoying my jigsaw puzzle. 

They are having fun playing my jigsaw puzzle. 

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