Thursday, 4 February 2016


Learning Outcome(s) covered: 

  • Knowledge
- Initiate and construct a self-proposed project (independent research topic).
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of appropriate processes in relation to their projects.
  • Thinking skills
- Critically evaluate their projects and reference cultural and historical influences relevant to their subject.
- Display cogent research methodologies that underpin their ideas.
- Subject based practical skills.
- Present a coherent body of work that indicates a creative synthesis of ideas and practice.
- Show economy in their practice and display a comprehensive awareness of all health and safety issues.
  • Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Present their work both orally and practically.
- Collaborate fully and effectively with others.
- Construct and implement a realistic timetable of research. 

Programme Learning Outcome(s) and Programme Objective(s) covered:

- To enable you to develop an independent project and line of enquiry.
- To show the application of knowledge acquired through learning.
- To indicate knowledge of the historical and cultural influences that underpins your practice/subject.
- To facilitate a coherent body of work for final presentation.
- To help you establish an efficient and effective time-management regime within a studio/workshop context.

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