Thursday, 4 February 2016


Learning Outcome(s) covered:

  • Knowledge
-Demonstrate critical, evaluative and making skills using a number of specialist media and process.
- Reflect critically upon one's own practice and utilize self-editing skills within the design process.
- Work with external agencies and other interested bodies to creative outcomes.
  • Thinking Skills
- Apply research using theorists, designers, culture historians; use and apply these references where relevant and appropriate to the assignment or module outcomes. 
- Demonstrate the use of methodologies and project management skills within the design process.
  • Subject-based practical skills
- Design Process; demonstrate the capacity to work with a number of process especially typography and all related or associated disciplines of information layout and sequential practice/pagination.
- Work on screen and paper-based formats which have synergy and a visual coherence.
  • Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Communicate successfully, strategic and critical abilities to peer group and other, including clients and project leaders.
- To participate or collaborate effectively with other.
- Construct and implement a realistic timetable of research leading to creative set of outcomes.

Programme Learning Outcome(s) and Programme Objective(s) covered:

  • Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
The objectives are to:
1. Cultivate a working regime that enables the student to draw on all of the experiences, to think laterally and creatively, to harness the technical skills, to promote the personal motivation and develop a professional approach to problem solving and creative visual practice.
2. Develop and take responsibility for creative individuality and independence as the progress through the programme. This will enable the student to become a proactive contributor within a variety of career opportunities after graduation e.g. as an artist, designer, illustrator, photographer, printmaker, digital/media artist as well as a range of other employment and self-employment possibilities.
3. Prepare the students for the possibility of continued study at postgraduate level.
  • Programme Outcomes (PO)
On completion of this programme, students should be able to acquire the following programme outcomes:
1. KNOWLEDGE SKILLS - Artistic and Design Perception Component.
2. PRACTICAL SKILLS - Students will reflect how practical skill development affects their employablility. This skill includes positive attitudes, self-confidence, honesty, responsibility, initiative, self discipline, personal hygiene, time management, and the capacity of lifelong learning.
3. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS - Students will generate key concepts on group dynamics, conflict resolution, and negotiation. This skill includes the ability to work cooperatively, accept supervision, assume leadership roles, and show respect for others. This standard includes an understanding of sexual harassment laws and an appreciation of cultural diversity in the workplace.
4. IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS - Students will understand proper ethics in design practice.
5.COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Students will apply principles of effective communication. This standard includes effective oral and written communication, listening skills, following and giving directions, requesting and giving information, asking questions.
6.THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS - Students will exhibit critical and creative thinking skills, logical reasoning, and problem solving. These skills include applying basic skills in order to calculate, estimate, measure; identify, locate, and organize information/data; interpret and follow directions from manuals, labels, and other sources; analyze and evaluate information and solutions.
7. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY - Students will demonstrate and adapt to changing technology by identifying, learning, and applying new skills to improve job performance. Students should understand the role of technology in their chosen field and should be able to use all appropriate technology. Students should also feel confident in their ability to learn new technology by generalizing from what they know, adapting skills to new situations, and identifying and using sources of information and of further learning.
8. EMPLOYMENT LITERACY - Students will understand career paths and strategies for obtaining employment within their chosen field. This includes traditional job preparation skills, such as resumes; application forms, cover letters, sources of employment information, and interviewing skills, but also includes an overview of the industry and an understanding of labor market trends. 


Learning Outcome(s) covered: 

  • Knowledge
- Initiate and construct a self-proposed project (independent research topic).
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of appropriate processes in relation to their projects.
  • Thinking skills
- Critically evaluate their projects and reference cultural and historical influences relevant to their subject.
- Display cogent research methodologies that underpin their ideas.
- Subject based practical skills.
- Present a coherent body of work that indicates a creative synthesis of ideas and practice.
- Show economy in their practice and display a comprehensive awareness of all health and safety issues.
  • Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Present their work both orally and practically.
- Collaborate fully and effectively with others.
- Construct and implement a realistic timetable of research. 

Programme Learning Outcome(s) and Programme Objective(s) covered:

- To enable you to develop an independent project and line of enquiry.
- To show the application of knowledge acquired through learning.
- To indicate knowledge of the historical and cultural influences that underpins your practice/subject.
- To facilitate a coherent body of work for final presentation.
- To help you establish an efficient and effective time-management regime within a studio/workshop context.


Learning Outcomes:

- Recognise research as a cumulating and complex learning experience and become adept at prioritising knowledge and analytical arguments that are most relevant to their concerns.
- Show sophisticated understanding of a range of historical and theoretical frameworks that relate to contemporary art practice and distinguish between various forms of interpretation and their competing claims and methodological bases. 
- Exploit the complex inter-relationship and potential for cross fertilisation between studio practice and historical, theoretical and contextual studies. 

  • The thesis shall demonstrate:
- The development and implementation of appropriate strategies and independent research. 
- Analytical and interpretative judgement in theoretical and visual analysis, a clear methodology, an ability to argue from example to interpretation and to develop and structure and argument, and the development of a personal voice.
- Coherence, organisation, clarity and fluency of written expression in conjunction with appropriate use of illustrations and academic presentation. 

Programme Learning Outcome(s) and Programme Objective(s) covered:

- The development and implementation of appropriate research strategies and independent research. 
- Critical and interpretative judgement in theoretical and visual analysis, a clear methodology, an informed and critical ability to argue from example to interpretation, an ability to develop and structure and argument and the development of a personal voice.
- Coherence, organisation, clarity of expression, and appropriate academic presentation.